Art Department

Art Department Paris Trip – July 2016
For a copy of the letter about the meeting click here
To view the presentation click here
Art Student of the Week
Mia Kaye 7H and Teegan Bowen 7H have been working very hard on their mixed media picture of leaves. They have been learning how to apply different media such as collage, watercolour, biro and pencil. Creating a lovely final outcome to be very proud of. Well done!
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery

I thought that the Art Gallery successfully featured a wide range of different style and eras of art so that everybody would be able to find a piece that they liked. There was a Pre Raphaelite section, ceramics, and different rooms for different time periods. It was also a museum so it had historical artefacts including a lot from WW2 and a lot of information on the history of Birmingham; they were able to integrate pieces of art into these bits so you didn’t feel a stark difference between the Museum and Gallery. Almost as soon as you came into the building you reached the round room which was quite large and very dramatic, making a good first impression. On the walls were large scale painting in different size frames in different sections like the seascapes in ‘Forces of Nature’ or forest scenes in the ‘A Green and Pleasant Land’ section and in the middle was a big angel statue.

In particular I like the 20th century room as it featured a lot of interesting landscape paintings that would help to inspire my portfolio that I hadn’t come across before, such as a Stanley Spencer piece which I liked because of the wispy brush strokes. I piece that I found very interesting was a 3D painting that was of a room in a gallery that came out from the wall in three sections, this gave the impression that you were looking at the room from a different perspective when you walked around it. A more modern section was ‘Wendy Ramshaw’s Room of Dreams’ which included a lot of mazing and unusual jewellery which to me looked very futuristic.

Ellie Brown and Freya Pryce – Art Ambassadors – Please feel free to come and ask us any questions about the Art A level course.

‘Cobweb’ by Morgan Bowen Yr 9
Photography workshop 2015
12 students from years 9, 10 and 11 took part in a 2 day workshop with photographer Tom Middleton, they explored the themes of nature, portraiture and composition and learnt about technical elements of using Photoshop. Students edited their own photographs taken using the 9 rules of composition and are using these in their GCSE art portfolios. I think you will agree the results are stunning!

Sculpture created in Welshpool town centre 2015

We are very excited and pleased to announce that the Art department has worked with Welshpool town council on a project involving students from Welshpool High School, to design and make a sculpture installation in the centre of Welshpool. MAT students took part in a series of workshops that were run by a local artist and funded for within school. I am sure you will agree this is an amazing opportunity. MAT students were selected to be involved in the project and will be involved in a day out to the steam railway with Councillor Robert Robinson and sculptor Saffron Humphries. They were involved in producing drawings, learning about local history and taking photographs to help aid designing their sculpture designs. These were then put forward to a commissioning body and chosen by Welshpool Town Council, all the students worked together on producing the winning design and making it with a local sculpture artist. Workshops are shown in the photographs.

Crif Celf 2015/2016

We having been working closely with the Oriel Davies gallery and many students have been selected to work on this year project. 12 students have been selected form Welshpool High School this year. They participate in artist workshops, trips to art galleries and access local resources. This is an amazing opportunity that is funded by Oriel Davies gallery , Newtown, arts council wales and national lottery.

The current Exhibition displays a selection of fine art produced by AS and A level students for their portfolios and exam pieces. The Exhibition is showcased in the foyer to celebrate the success and achievements of our students. Students commended by the art department are Ellie Cordy, Jodie-Rose Evans, Andy Spittle, Emily Dart, Lauren Evans and Emily Williams who all achieved an A* or A grade at A Level this summer.

ART PARIS TRIP 2015/2016

The Paris trip will take place over the summer term in enquiry week, for 4 days for 50 year 8 students. Students on the trip are asked to keep a journal, which are later judged by the art department and received prizes and rewards post cards home. Students visit the sights of Paris, Vincent Van Gogh’s studio and grave and the house of Claude Monet and the famous water Lillies garden.


KS3 MAT Art club runs every Monday lunchtime

ART Club for KS4 and 5 runs every lunchtime and Wednesday after school.

Art Students of the Week
Flynn Shuker and Aaliyah Robins from 7P have been working hard over the past few weeks creating their abstract tin foil and cardboard portraits.


Art Display – June 2015 click here
Art Student of the Week
Art Student of the week Melissa Rodenburg from Year 8 with her gingerbread chapel that she made for the eisteddfod competition. Melissa based her 3D model on the chapel in Welshpool.


Eisteddfod 2015
Art Student of the Week
Nathaniel Shane in Year 8 with his watercolour and tissue paper landscape. Well done!
Year 11 GCSE students have designed a tower mug or pot, based on the theme of water and natural forms. They have investigated the ceramist Grayson Perry, Portmeiron pottery and the art and crafts movement. They drew inspiration from ceramics exhibited at Birmingham Art Museum and Gallery.


Year 11 BTEC students have been working hard on making enlarged timelines investigating artists,art movements and styles and techniques throughout history. They have used their knowledge and skill to design a hat, based around the theme of an artist or art movement. Students are to be commended for an interesting array of outcomes that are personalised and innovative.

Art Factor

Students selected for the ‘Art Factor’ programme, have been given the opportunity to work with the Oriel Davies Gallery in Newtown. More able and talented students have been selected to take part in a series of artists workshops, this programme is funded by the National Lottery.  Here are some examples of students work produced so far.
Etchings and Intaglio prints produced by Ellen Dwyer in year 10.
Key Stage 4 Student of the week Jan 2015
Joe Isaac in year 11 has been very busy producing his breakfast inspired hat for his GCSE textiles coursework. Joe has produced a portfolio to go alongside his hat. He has gathered inspiration from artist Claes Oldenburg and from various meats and butchery, as well as the traditional breakfast. And all very cleverly made out of textiles!
Well done joe!
Key Stage 3 Student of the week Jan 2015
A still life collection of 5 objects looking at depth and tone around objects. Also using background as a blend between objects.
I enjoyed my choice of objects as i was looking at a very dark and dead colours/objects. I also enjoyed bringing a lot of lines and shading into the artwork. Benjamin Poole 8P 
Best in Class 2014
The art department present ‘best in class’ from 2014. The current Exhibition displays a selection of fine art, textiles and 3D produced by AS and A level students for their portfolios and exam pieces. The Exhibition is showcased in the foyer to celebrate the success and achievements of our students. Students commended by the art department are Jack Lee, Ellie Cordy, Jodie-Rose Evans, Andy Spittle, Emily Dart, Lauren Evans and Emily Williams.
GCSE Textiles

GCSE Textiles is exhibited within the entrance of the foyer demonstrating applique, weaving and textile based techniques prepared to make a final product of a dress, wall hanging or bag. Students commended by the art department are Eleri McGurn and Heather Mead.

An exhibition of GCSE art coursework and exam preparation, in 2D and 3D form show an enriched and vibrant display of highly skilled work. Students commended by the art department are Freya Pryce and Eleri Phillips.
Town Council Art Project
Yr 11 BTEC line A students, made good use of the department iPad working alongside several artists over a series of workshops. First the artist Stephen West a local sculptor, introduced the group to film-making with a ‘master class’ on the elements of how to make a film. Students made a series of flick books and animations and researched the classic short film ‘ The Night Mail’. Later they visited Greygnog Hall in Treygnog which hosts a collection of Impressionist art works and many of the masters such as Rembrant and sculptures by Rodin. They also explored the book binding and printing press which is still active today printing off original copies of Kyffin Williams work. Students spent time gather film footage, exploring the art works and the using the boom box to gather sounds. Back at School they participated in a series of workshops with the artist Jessica Callan from the Andrew Logan Museum of Sculpture, editing the footage and using i-movie. The final short film was shown in upper School assembly in October. This was also shown in a film Igloo that has been touring the country with exhibits of contemporary artists work. The audience were asked to feedback to the students as part of their course, enabling them to collate feedback to meet the requirements of their assignment brief. Feedback was strong and we are very proud of our achievements.
BTEC line D, created sculptures made out of polystyrene, willow and coated with resin, glitter, glass and beads. These are now completed and students had to create an ‘in-situ design’ imaging they would be displayed in the grounds of Greygnog Hall as if for a professional artists’ commission.
Powys Art’s Month
October was an exciting month and we were excited to participate in Powys Art’s Month! There was a celebration of the arts across the county. A Level pupil’s actively researched local events that were hosted at numerous galleries and visited artist ‘open studios’ and workshops. Students researched and tried techniques in the ‘style of’ local artists inspiring their own work. We participated in Powys Arts Month with our own display of artwork selected from across several year groups. Exploring themes of landscape, portraiture and natural forms. This is displayed at the back of the canteen in School.
Paris Trip
The Paris trip that took place over the summer for 50 year 8 students, was yet another success . Students on the trip were asked to keep a journal, which were later judged by the art department and received prizes and rewards post cards home, winners are: Beatrice Kerry, Jack Corbett, Annabelle Casement and Sophie Wadley. Congratulations for the high standard of art wok created and attention to detail in your visual diary.
Town Council Art Project

We were very excited and pleased to have been invited to work with Welshpool town council on a project involving students from Welshpool High School, to design and make a sculpture installation in the centre of Welshpool. Student participated in series of workshops run by a local artist and funded for within school. Those taking part in the project were involved in a day out to the steam railway with Councillor Robert Robinson and Mrs Watkins. Students were involved in producing drawings, learning about local history and taking photographs to help aid designing their sculpture designs. These were put forward to a commissioning body and chosen by Welshpool Town Council, all the students then worked together on producing the winning design and making it with a local sculpture artist.